Create Your Garden
We make it very simple for you to garden year-round! We ship Mini-Greenhouse Cold Frame & Hoop House Sets that fit inside your existing garden bed. Assembly is required but detailed instructions are included. If you are in the Boulder & Denver area we offer installation as well.
Balcony Garden Box & Greenhouse Set
Balcony Garden Box & Greenhouse Set
Perfect for a condo or apartment balcony. The Balcony Garden Box & Greenhouse Set has a cedar bottom and is portable. Grow herbs and the following vegetables as they need minimum soil depth for healthy growth:
- 4-5" chives, lettuce, radishes, other salad greens, basil, coriander
- 6-7": bush beans, garlic, kohlrabi, onions, Asian greens, peas, mint, thyme
- 8-9": pole beans, carrots, chard, cucumber, eggplant, fennel, leeks, peppers, spinach, parsley, rosemary
The Balcony Singlet includes:
• 35 x 39 x 7.5 (32 x 36 x 9 inside dimensions with mini-greenhouse in place) inch Cedar Raised Garden Box with drainage holes (lasts about 20 years!)
• One hand-crafted to order 28" tall mini-greenhouse with 6mm polycarbonate windows
$488 with Free Shipping!