It's wonderful to see baby lettuces and spinach popping up in our Garden Bed Hoop House – lots more greens coming our way! We started these seeds in early January, they are now just starting to gain momentum now that the days are getting longer!

When planting for winter gardening in Colorado in a Hoop House, it's good to start seeds in August to get plants growing deep roots before the cold sets in and the days get short. But you can also plant cool-season vegetable seeds all winter long in a Hoop House, just don't expect them to grow fast until the days start getting longer and warmer in March & April.
Lettuce and spinach are both reliable veggies to direct sow in the winter months. Now is a great time to get some super early harvests started! You can also start seeds for cool season vegetables indoors under lights now to get them growing faster, then transplant into a Hoop House in several weeks after they’ve grown their first true leaves. With a little cover, you can grow spinach and lettuces during our cold and snowy late winter and early spring months without any supplemental heat. Our Hoop Houses trap solar heat and warm the soil to keep roots growing happily!
Want to grow more food year-round in Colorado? We love building gardeners new Garden Beds and Hoop Houses! Reach out to us today for a garden consultation.
Above: Check out our newest Raised Garden Beds installed in February 2022. Made with cedar, our client is super happy and excited about her two new 12'x4' beds! That's a lot of growing room to grow an abundance of so many great things for the whole family.