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Denver Native Plants Attract Birds!

"While the window was open the other day, I was bemused by the beautiful sound of a bird chirping. This is something I hear less now, than from memories of being a child. In that moment of the bird chirping, there was nothing sweeter." – Aaron Michael, Earth Love Gardens

Colorado Native Plants to Attract Birds like Goldfinches
Colorado Native Plants to Attract Birds like Goldfinches

A recent study has shown that birds make you as happy as money (but we think birds can make you happier)!

We are happy to invite birds and pollinators to your yard in creating valuable habitat through one of our custom bird and pollinator-friendly Landscape Designs for your home. 🐦🌱🦋

Denver Native Plants to Attract Birds

Plants to Attract Birds in Denver, Boulder and the Front Range of Colorado:

Go with native plants to attract birds to your Colorado garden! Some bird-attracting native plants include Goldenrod, Sandcherry, Gamble Oak, Blanket Flower, Blue Flax, Common Yarrow, Mexican Hat, Silver Lupine, Common Sunflower, Kinnikinnick, Wax Currant, Woods' Rose, Serviceberry, Chokecherry, Columbine, Indian Paintbrush, Bee Balm, Penstemon, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Harebell, Prairie Coneflower, and Blue Spruce.

Denver Native Plants to Attract Birds & Pollinators
Denver Native Plants to Attract Birds & Pollinators
Denver Native Plants to Attract Birds & Pollinators

Native Plant Pollinator & Bird-Friendly and Edible Landscape Designs

One of the biggest threats pollinators and birds face is habitat loss. To address this, Earth Love Gardens designs native plant, pollinator & bird-friendly gardens! Learn more about our Pollinator Landscape Design Services »

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